miércoles, 26 de marzo de 2008

Line H

I can't describe the joy I felt when I saw the new line satation reminds me of London. I instantly realised It was really stupid not to take any pictures... or many more pictures than the ones we took back in London with K-T.

I took the train and it really disappointed me, thought it was gonna be modern or something, but it looks just like line E. What a bummer.

I think it might take centuries for this fuckers to continue this new line; the last station, Once, has its exit all paved, that's not good, not good. I mean, what's the use of a line that has only 5 stations? Bloody guvernamental bastards! I think it's a really good thing to have new means of transport, specially when you look at sophisticated countries with more than 15 underground lines. who wouldn't get anxious about new cars and new ways of travelling confortably? (if so)... I would, I absolutely would

Just waiting on a bench, want to check I got unlucky with the car... or maybe all of them are old and medriocre. What a bloody waste of time.

You really got to be joking if these are the so called "new cars", my goodness!

Waiting, waiting... I wonder when they will open new stations, as for this beautifully fast country, it might take a Century... and I'm gonna be plain dead when they get this new branches done.

Bugger! The cars honestly suck! The station though, it's pretty cool.

Don't like the walls though, they look like and old bathroom...yishh...

How useless this branch, c'mon

What a trip. Had fun indeed. Unfotunately there's not much to visit here, what a pitty, aye?

Well mate, hopefully I'll be in London by the end of this year, so I will make extremely good use of the camera. Surely I will.

Well, I don't think I got anything else to say, hope to find some new adventure soon.

Oh! Clive's coming first thing this May!


1 comentario:

Damian dijo...

¿Te fuiste para la H exclusivamente para verla? Yo tengo ganas de hacerlo también, pero ahora que leo esto... =(

El otro que por ahí está bueno es el trencito que abrieron en Puerto Madero. Pero son menos de 20 cuadras el recorrido, re triste jajaj...

Asi que te vas pa' London! Que bien! :D
