jueves, 10 de julio de 2008

Things about life

Facts and universal truths

。One gets to work and has, by stupid social convention, to greet everyone around one's working enviroment. One
would then hear such phrases as: Hey, how's it going?, to which of course, you answer in the most unpolite way possible. That person couldn't possibly care less about you being well or not...But oh! They have to take it to the other level by adding personal questions such as: How's your life? Why on earth should or would I talk to you about my life?
Bugger off!

。In addition to forced politeness, there are several ways of hypocriticism that apply to different personalities of the above mentioned working enviroment, which lead to very bad mood, Which also leads to being very very unpolite.

Concluding this text, that's how far truth should get by now (today) 
Being toO reveiling might be brain damaging. 
(To be gramatically correct, Being too reveiling might lead to brain damage)If being in possession of such mentioned part of the body.


1 comentario:

Damian dijo...

Es cierto, todo el mundo hace eso.
Yo cuando pregunto "cómo estás" lo pregunto de verdad, pasa que también es dificil esperar una respuesta sincera por parte de la otra persona cuando está rodeada de gente.

Por eso me gusta preguntarlo más en privado...

Igual, no voy a negar que alguna vez lo pregunté sólo por decir algo.