jueves, 10 de abril de 2008

About the many many `How to's´

I was thinking, no, perhaps, we were all thinking, what's the use of... the use of for instance 'be a perfect girl' or in any case what would a perfect girl be?

I don't think, or to be more accurate, I fiercely do not believe that magazines trying to teach 'how to' and a lot of incoherent etc's I won't even bother to mention, are trying to make you a 'better' person (whatever that might be); contrarily (or not) they just want the audience to consume that shallow product which is most likely to produce no change at all in your life. So why they fall? Why many believe they can actually become 'miss seduction' in 10 days?

What is their mysterious mechanism? Perhaps educating, little by little, issue by issue, everyone to be a little bit brainless as time goes by...

So imagine in a decade, thousands, of million trying to become 'miss seduction' or another thousand guys thinking their muscles will contribute to lower the environmental problems.

Oh my, I need a break for what's coming needs a lot of mental preparation.

4 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

yep i think my muscles will contribute to lower the environmental problems. Or just to go back to the origin of the species. Being an monkey.

UmiLi dijo...

That's just brilliant.
Perhaps going back to the origin (being a monkey) isn't that bad after all.

May I inquire if this is you my friend writing such ironies, or is this another person whom I not know?

Anónimo dijo...

yep, you know me =) thats all i can say.

UmiLi dijo...

Well, I can only think of one person, but amazingly (or not) that one person I know, wouldn't bethe one to make comments such as yours... I keep wondering then, who might you be...

until the twilight enlightens me then

(a clue?)
